Over the years we have provided many guides, templates and cheat-sheets on the courses and workshops we have conducted. Following a move to a new website however, we discovered just how many people were hitting up the resources so we will start to collect them here (this is a work in progress).
The links below will either download a document from our server (indicated by the “*local”) or take you to the authors site (indicated by the “*external”). If any of the links are broken or you are looking for other templates please drop us a note.
The penetration testing template was included in a the Technical Threats module of the University of Westminster’s Masters Degree in Information Security. That was in about 2004, but we have added it here as it’s still a good reference and we get 15-20 requests a day for it.
Penetration Testing Template [MS Word .Doc format] Document (*local)
Penetration Testing Template [RTF format] Document (*local)
Cheat Sheets:
The SANS Evidence Collection (Co-authored by Steve Armstrong) (*Remote)
Using Lenny Zeltser’s Reverse Engineering of Malware Linux Distro – REMunx (*Remote)